September 15, 2009

Small Steps

Finally got off my butt and made an appointment with a RE today! Amazingly, they are able to see me next week on the 23rd, I am super excited! I know that it might all be for nothing if the biopsy results come back zero but I'm still going to go anyway and see what can be done about my PCOS. I'm tired of seeing Dr. Insensitive (my gyno for anyone new) and I'm never going back to her again. I can't wait to call her stupid office and request they send my medical file to my RE. ha! my RE!! Not sure why, but it feels good to have made that appointment.

C's biopsy is Thursday and wow, we are all over the place with our emotions. I'll be so relieved once it's over and then I'll be a mess waiting for the results but at least we'll have definite answers. I have an appointment Friday with my gastroenterologist to check on my fatass liver. I have liver disease and we monitor it twice a year so it's just our usual appt. My doctor is a tall, very round guy and it's quite amusing to hear him lecture me on losing weight. I'm a little worried about the visit, I don't want my liver to be worse because I really don't want to stop drinking wine ;)

This has definitely been a year of doctors for C and me, I can only hope that they found tons of little swimmers and we continue having our bank acct drained by doctors. I'd gladly continue with doctor visits if it meant we'd have a baby. But, I know we all would. Damn IF.

In some unrelated baby news, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law welcomed a new baby this week, my sweet niece Jaclyn. She is their third baby in three years. I'm happy for them but the thought of seeing all 3 kids this Christmas leaves me feeling all stabby, hope nobody pisses me off when I run errands later!

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