October 21, 2009


This is my first time joining in on ICLW and I'm excited to participate! I'm Amanda, married to C for 3 years. We've been together since 1999 aka forever and have been TTC for 18 months. I have PCOS and C has azoospermia. We've known about the PCOS for 18 months but just recently found out about the azoospermia this past July. It was devastating to say the least and we're still struggling with the diagnosis, some days are good and some are bad. I'm just trying to not lose my mind and the blogging world has been a major part of that. We live in a rural area and feel like our small town doctor has taken us as far as he can. So, we're moving on to a big city doctor in Houston to get another opinion and to exhaust all our options. Headin' to the big city in the beginning of November, can't wait!

If the MFI guru can't help us, well, we're cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, we're holding on to hope and trying not to cry too much about C being spermless. Easier said then done, but isn't everything that sucks that way?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to ICLW. So sorry about your diagnoses. It's always hard to deal with, but here's hoping the Houston doc can help.
