January 4, 2010

A New Year

4 days in and I am still amazed that it's 2010 already. I am very relieved that 2009 is over, that was one year that really wore out it's welcome. 2010 just feels different to me, fresh and promising and all sparkly. Although I know we won't be having a baby this year, as was our plan, I am still hopeful I can end the year pregnant. Anything is possible at this point and I am doing my best not to be depressed and crazy. I want the feeling of stabbing stupid people to go away so that I can be a happier person, especially out in public. I have to stop making snarky comments to people, it's one of my resolutions. We'll see how that works out for me.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about everything we are going through and about what lies ahead of us. We have a plan! A few months after C's surgery, my RE is going to run a SA and if the numbers are good, my butt will be on Clomid and Metformin. If the numbers are less then ideal, it's either IUI or IVF time. If the numbers just aren't there, we'll wait a few more months. We don't know what is going to happen, there is no way to know at this point but we are hopeful that everything will work out. Very hopeful. It feels good.


  1. It's good to have a plan. I'm glad that you're feeling more hopeful, I'm feeling more hopeful as well. Here's hoping and praying that 2010is our year!

  2. It feels so good to have a plan. We were in limbo the past couple months, but after a visit with the RE yesterday we have a plan and while it's nerve wrecking, it's all very exciting! I agree with you, 2010 feels good and I am way more optimistic than I was in 2009.
    Good luck!
