January 26, 2010

the surgery

C's surgery lasted longer then originally thought and we are finally back at my ILs. He is fine and currently is crashed out thanks pain meds. My head is spinning from all the information though. They found sperm, hiding in the middle of C's testicles! They took biopsies and are freezing the sperm they find. It won't be a lot but they are freezing it for us!! There was no varicocele but H's vas deferens had been cut in two by our inexperienced Dr. Nuts back home. Luckily, they were able to reconnect it. Not sure how we'll pursue informing Dr. Nuts but rest assured, he will be told.

Dr. L urged us to go the IVF route and expressed his doubt over the docs back home being able to do a good job. (Imagine that!) Once I agreed, he got on the phone and got a RE to squeeze me in tomorrow morning here in Houston. This RE is suppose to be one of the best and I am thrilled!

So, forced break is over and IVF is on! I am stunned, scared, hopeful and excited all at once. Busy day tomorrow with new RE, follow up for H and my birthday!


  1. Yeahhh!! They found sperm!! I know it still means IVF.. but with DH's sperm! Whooohoo!!
    Hope you take Dr. Nuts to the cleaners and that Dh recovers quick.

  2. Great news!!!!! How exciting! And how frightening that a doctor did that, yikes! Dr Nuts should pay for your IVF.

  3. Fantastic news!!! Hope your DH is feeling better soon. As for Dr. Nuts - yikes indeed!!

  4. WOW Awesome news! I am soo thrilled for you guys that you have some swimmers to work with. Hope C gets better soon and good luck with the IVF!

  5. I am so thrilled for you and C!! Wonderful news. Hoping his recovery is quick.

    RE: Dr. Nuts and his screw-up. Even if you don't pursue legal action, I highly recommend writing to the state medical board about this.

  6. Congratulations!!! That's wonderful news!!! I hope that C recovers from his surgery quickly.
