September 8, 2010

My Weekend in Pictures

on the Arkansas River
My Dad says it's good luck to put your feet in every river you come across
mineral water leaking from the mountain turned the rock orange
a view from my favorite mountain

rain clouds coming in


  1. Very pretty! It looks like you had a nice outdoorsy weekend :)

    (Hey - maybe you already know this, but when I visit your blog there is a pop up that asks me for a username and password " To view this page, you must log in to this area on Twiter API". I have to cancel the pop-up before I can read your post.)

    Hope that your week is as beautiful as your weekend was!

  2. yea, I was just too lazy to fix it! Problem solved and now I'll probably be back to getting spammed by Chinese porn sites :(

    hope your week has been lovely!

  3. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures :)
