November 24, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

Later today, my house will begin to fill with the loud laughter and chaos that is my family.The smell of delicious food will begin to waft through the rooms, causing my cute dogs to park themselves in the kitchen in hopes of a treat being tossed their way. Then tomorrow, some very loved friends will join us for loads of food, wine and thankfulness. We'll snuggle in on the couch with coffee and argue over the Longhorns vs Aggies game while planning our Black Friday assault. I may even convince C and my brother to hang up our Christmas lights outside and to drag our tree down from the attic.

There will probably be more then a few moments that make me pause and desperately wish for our child and I'll get sad as I realize those moments are only going to increase in frequency as we rapidly approach Christmas. But, I'll also take comfort in knowing that our chance to cycle is that much closer. We are that much closer to (hopefully) having our child in our arms and so I'll say a little prayer for our child and be very thankful for C and the wonderful doctors that are going to help us.

Happy Thanksgiving, I hope it's full of yummy food and a win for the Longhorns!!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Hook em Horns!! :)

  2. Happy Thankskgiving. I know it will be sad but it seems to me that you are really focusing positively. I truely hope that by this time next year you are giving thanks for your healthy baby (either in tummy or in arms)!
